" Controlling Use SoFTwaRe " [English V.]

Category: By GiZa'MoeTzZ
'Created by :'
Team 3 :
- Dian Herlinda
- Giesza Adiesta
- Ranggih Bayu A.
- Siska Dian A.
- Moch. IrQaM RizkY

Controlling Use Software

Limit the Your consumer PC in running and application installation. We see how to conduct action prevention.

With the existence of a number of user using Your PC property, You require to put thinking cap on the security. You also require to ascertain the integrity of[is overall of system. Application installation and its use, [is] otherwise monitored, can cause the problem. [At] Windows XP, there [is] two type of user account, “ Computer Administrator” and “ Limited”, limiting what can and cannot be [done/conducted] by user. Constructively Registry, You can [do/conduct] the management user which one up on. By altering key and value, You can determine the program [of] what can be run [at] the system. For the PC OF rumahan, way of this can be used by all parent which wish to control the use program the instant messaging. From the aspect of look into the security, way of this can prevent the use program the utility which can influence the Your configuraton PC property.

You can make the interdict so that user cannot run the certain file and application. By using Registry Editor, look for the rer. Value you To edit might not there [is], become to make first. If You use the Windows XP or 2000 right click [at] panel side anan and select;choose the New , DWORD Value then give the name Disallowrun. Give the value 1 for the mengenable of application interdict. Next, make the new key In this key, determining application which may not be run. Make the successive String Value to each application by value [is] file executable from pertinent application. For example, if You do not want to MSN Messenger run hence for the value-nya of to [enter/include] the “ msnmsgr.exe”. Repeat the process to each application hereinafter.

For using longer version Windows [is] You can make the same interdict, but by Registry [is] different value. Open To Make the so called DWORD Value [of] Restrictrun and give the value 1 for the meng-enable of interdict. Later;Then, make the key again, whereabout application prohibited of input. Make the String Value with the successive number by value [is] file executable from each application.

If using version Windows old ones You can edit the Regitry so that aplikas real-mode PACK cannot be run. This change will make the PACK program cannot be run [by] from within interface Windows. Open The HKEY_ LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT \ Windows\Currentversion\Policies\ Winoldapp and make the so called DWORD Value [of] Norealmode by value [is] equal to 1 for the mengenable of interdict
Limiting Startup
This Arrangement will make the system or user cannot run the program startup, by altering instruction [of] [at] Registry. To [do/conduct] this per user open the HKEY_CURRENT_ USER\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\WINDOWS\ Currentversion\Policies\Explorer. Make four the following DWORD Values: Disablelocal Machinerun, Disablelocalmachine Runonce, Disablecurrentuserrun And
Disablecurrentuserrunonce. Each have to be given [by] the value 1 for the mengenable of interdict. For the meng-enable of Your item startup can vanish the the DWORD Value or alter their value to 0.

User can prevent the program startup by arrest;detaining knob [ Shift] when Windows di-load. You can mendisable-nya. Open To Make the so called DWORD Value [of] Ignoreshift-Override and give the value 1
User can eliminate the problem by using System Restore, but bringing back setting by using this tool can cause the adversative impact for all user PC. For that, You possible wish to prevent the user so that cannot use the System Restore. You can edit the Registry for the men-disable of System Restore, but that [do] not influence the system ability in making dot of system restore.

Look For The HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ Policies\Microsoft\Windowsnt. Right Click [of] Window NT, select;choose the New, Key and give the name Systemrestore. Make two DWORD Value, so called first [of] Disableconfig. Give the value 1 for the mendisable of interface System Restore as well as link to System Restore [of] [at] System Properties. Last, make the so called DWORD Value [of] Disablesr and give the value 1 to eliminate the shortcut System Restore [of] [at] Start menu
Preventing Program So that Cannot Be run from Help User can run the application from online Help, but You can prevent [it]. Setting for the policy of this there are [at] HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\POLICIES\MICROSOFT\WINDOWS\BUAT key by the name of System, and later;then make the String Value by the name of Disableinhelp. If the You mengenable interdict hence You program cannot be run from Help. When meng-enable interdict, including program list which wish the You prohibit. Including name of file executable [of] each application, disjointed with the comma. For example “ Disableinhelp = ” cmd.exe , command.com” will make the command prompt and command cannot be run from online Help.

5 comments so far.

  1. Anonim 26 November 2007 pukul 23.48
    What appliances there is in the software ?
  2. Anonim 4 Desember 2007 pukul 00.04
    That software isn't it for becoming 3 that is software of operating system, Ianguage, and software of application. As using way / operating program software of application?
  3. abdul ghofur 4 Desember 2007 pukul 00.08
    please, call your english teacher to correct your english..

    What is the different between freeware and shareware?
  4. abdul ghofur 4 Desember 2007 pukul 00.15
    please, call your english teacher to correct your english..

    What is the different between freeware and shareware?
  5. Anonim 4 Desember 2007 pukul 00.22
    How to use application program?

Something to say?